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Heal the Spirit and the Body will follow suit.

Acupuncture for a spiritually attuned lifestyle and assistance in all of your life's transitions.

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Empowering Personal Resilience by Focusing on the Whole Person & Spirit


Peng Roden Her, L.Ac.


Peng Roden Her is a licensed acupuncturist, medical intuitive, and master of qigong. As a medical intuitive, he has the ability to sense the physical, mental, and emotional ailments of his patients—he combines these gifts to treat both the symptom and the source. 

It is Peng's belief, that we've lost the ability to connect with our "inner teacher." An aspect of our inner consciousness (an inner intelligence of sorts) which guides us towards our highest self (or our sense of ideal). It incessantly reminds us to "be ideal" and calls attention to our behaviors which make us fall short of our ideal. 


He's not perfect and he believes that we are all here on a journey--a journey to transform darkness into light. And that of some our physical ailments are opportunities to discover "the self" through achieving our ideal. These lessons may sometimes overwhelm us. However, honest self-reflection, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness of self and others, may lead to your healing. And through Peng's approach of combining acupuncture and spirituality, he believes he can help encourage patient awareness for this inner intelligence he calls the "inner teacher."

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Hear from my patients.

“Peng is a gentle person. I had a very deep sense of relaxation and a great sense of awareness during the process. Peng is very trustworthy as an acupuncture provider. ”

— Alan

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